Bozena Dworecka Kaszak
Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
Title: Malassezia yeast and their role in atopic dermatitis in dogs
Biography: Bozena Dworecka Kaszak
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic skin disorder. It is characterized by itchy skin eczema with relapsing episodes. There are a lot of scientific data concerning on mechanisms of this illness, but still pathogenesis of AD is not fully understand. It seem that in parts this skin disorder maybe genetically determined, but many other factors may contribute to the development of AD among human or animals. The main reason is impaired skin barrier function. Additionally AD is consider to be an immunoglobulin E (IgE) mediated hypersensitivity response to environmental allergens and it is suggested, that some kind of dysfunction of the adaptive immune system is involves. Yeasts of the genus Malassezia are well known as both commensal and pathogenic microorganisms on the skin. Malassezia pachydermatis is a species for which dogs are a natural host. In normal dogs with healthy skin these fungi colonizes the stratum corneum in very low numbers. In dogs with allergic skin disease the numbers of M. pachydermatis usually increase dramatically. It is hypothesized that in dogs the atopic dermatitis is a risk factor for M. pachydermatis infection, but in our opinion, contrary some factors which are favorable for abundant colonization of these yeasts are responsible for involving this increasing reactivity against members of the normal skin microbiota. The objective of this work is to provide an update on recent advances in the explanation of the role of factors like fungi as Malassezia in involving acute stage of AD lesions in dogs. citation databases, abstracts and proceedings from symposia published in last decade. Result: The development of canine AD in association with changing of Canine Skin Microbiome and lymphocyte responses, including the large spectrum of cytokine and noncytokine factors that appear in dermatitis will be discussed.