Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, India
Title: Quality of life in patients with fungal infection of nose and paranasal sinuses: A study from north India
Biography: Rushi
Background: Fungal infections of nose and paranasal sinuses have a protracted course with frequent relapses and recurrences. Quality of life (QOL) of such patients is severely affected.
Methods: The aim of this study was to assess quality of life of patients with fungal infection of nose and paranasal sinuses. The objective was to assess disease specific QOL, health related QOL and global QOL. Cross sectional assessment was carried out on 30 patients with the diagnosis of fungal infection of nose and paranasal sinuses.
Results: The total SNOT score was indicative of moderate degree of problem. Regarding generic QOL, as assessed using WHOQOL-Bref, the sample had overall moderate QOL in all domains. On the other hand, on the SF-36, highest scores were obtained on the individual domains of physical functioning and pain with lowest scores on the domains of general health and role limitation due to physical health.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that Indian patients with fungal infection of paranasal sinuses report moderate degree of QOL on both disease specific (SNOT-20) and global (WHOQOL-Bref) scales with mild to moderate limitation on health related QOL scale (SF-36).